Carol Butzke, AQS certified appraiser, gathers information to appraise the National Sustainability Monthly Holidays quilt.


Please Become a Member of your local chapter of the National Sustainability Association, Community Environmental Hall of Fame and Community Green Guide.

Please see our 12 Powerful Benefits Presentation.

Nomination Form
Please Nominate a Top Environmentalist in Your Community

E-book: Sample Community Green Guide (work in progress)

PDF: Community Feature Template

E-book: Hope for Planet Earth: 25 Student Geniuses Share What We Can Do Now to Help Reduce Energy Costs and Live More Sustainably

Videos: Environmental Hall of Fame Awards Los Angeles 2008

PDF: Environmental Hall of Fame Awards Los Angeles 2008

Slide Show: Environmental Hall of Fame Awards Chicago 2008

Slide Show: Ed Begley, Jr. Inducted Into Environmental Hall of Fame

Past Press Releases:
Solar Today
Southwest Windpower
Clipper Windpower
Chicago Cubs
Springfield Illinois

Website: US Mayors


All of the following is elective, but it will certainly take your business to the next level.

What is the next step after your awards ceremony?
Your Community Green Gallery!

The Community Green Gallery will consist of 4-6 community exhibits and 4-6 Environmental Hall of Fame exhibits. The community exhibits will display your community’s green initiatives. Environmental Hall of Fame exhibits will display information about the honorees inducted into your local Community Environmental Hall of Fame.

In the first year the exhibits can be 8.5 x 11 exhibits mounted either on a wall or gridwall. The gridwall consists of 4 sections and costs $125 with shipping. Each person who chooses Level 1 or 2 will be provided with their own framed exhibit to be placed in the Community Green Gallery. In addition, each sponsor will be allowed to put their name below the exhibit as the sponsor of that exhibit.

How does this benefit you?

  • You could send the photo and press release to the local media, and even get us on the radio.
  • The press release will share information about the awards ceremony and how you are now creating a Community Green Gallery.
  • The Community Green Gallery is where you will place the exhibits and photos of the honorees as well as the community’s green initiatives.
  • You can hold a ribbon cutting ceremony for the opening of the Community Green Gallery.
  • You can honor more individuals on a quarterly basis and bring more publicity to your initiatives to help the environment.
  • You could also give the HOPE Award (Hero of Planet Earth Award)  to individuals and students who have sustainable and environmental science fair projects, environmental clubs and other programs to help the environment.
  • The Community Green Gallery will be the focus for an ongoing program that will allow you to share what you are doing to help the community become more sustainable.

There is even more!
There will be online educational program to share how individuals can create a more sustainable community. We are preparing a series of online courses to help individuals create a greener home, school, business and community. Individuals and students can take these programs and receive a certificate.

Level 1: Book
Level 2: Blog
Level 3: Video

Please review each link below for more details:

Consent Form
Level 1: Book
Level 2: Blog
Level 3: Video


  1. Completing 4 pages for the book will allow you entry in your local Community Environmental Science Fair and Community Environmental Hall of Fame. (Please see 2009 book.)
  2. Completing a blog will allow you to participate in your State Environmental Science Fair and State Environmental Hall of Fame.
  3. Completing a video will allow you to participate in the National Environmental Science Fair and National Environmental Hall of Fame

Please Email us a date and time when you could Brainstorm with us how to start an Environmental Hall of Fame in your community. This should be very easy since we only need one member.

  • For example, at the very minimum you could inspire 5-10 clients or leaders of your community to complete the Nomination Form.
  • You can make an even greater difference by nominating your city or mayor for their sustainability initiatives, a worthy environmentalist in your community or a school using the Nomination Form in order to “pass it on“.
  • You may Become a Member and receive these 12 Powerful Benefits (no obligation).
    • Benefits include the ability to give at least 3 awards to worthy members of your community (including one school or environmental club).
    • The membership fee is an investment to help start your community Environmental Hall of Fame. You can elect to receive your membership fee back once one or two other members join. Your membership fee will then act like a loan to help start your community Environmental Hall of Fame.
    • Additional Benefit: You will be listed every year as the Co-Founder of your community Environmenal Hall of Fame with a link to your website at the top of your community’s page.

Please return to the Award Acceptance Criteria page.

Student Sponsorships
Student Programs 2010 Brochure – PDF
National Environmental Science Fair Details – PDF

Download 2009 Book of the National Environmental Science Fair students Hope for Planet Earth: 25 Student Geniuses Share What We Can Do Now to Help Reduce Energy Costs and Live More Sustainably.

Student Programs 2010

Why the National Environmental Science Fair and Environmental Hall of Fame?

One thing many people feel is a lack of validation. Lacking in self confidence and mentoring, we may sit on our gifts instead of sharing them with the world.

The National Environmental Science Fair and Environmental Hall of Fame:

  • Inspire and encourage individuals and students, as well as top environmentalists, to do their best to help make a difference.
  • Discover the best and most sustainable practices so individuals are inspired to adopt them in every community.

National Environmental Science Fair Enrollment

Please pay the $75 enrollment fee for all three programs below: Community, State and National Environmental Science Fair and Environmental Halls of Fame

Please pay the $30 fee to enroll in one program below: either the Community, State, or National level of the Environmental Science Fair and Environmental Hall of Fame


After enrolling, please visit the Student Thank You page for what to do next.


One goal of the National Sustainability Association is to provide the most effective tools to help your community “go green.”

Another goal is to establish a local chapter of the National Sustainability Association in your community. We just need one member in your community to achieve this.

Activities of the National Sustainability Association include the National Environmental Hall of Fame. We believe the National Sustainability Association provides the most effective means to help your community “go green” for the least amount of cost.

The following are the simple criteria for accepting your local community Environmental Hall of Fame award:

  1. Please submit your photo with award; see How to Send Your Photo.
    • Thank you for making a significant difference to help the environment.
    • We will post your photo on our website.
  2. Please agree to commit to one or two hours of your time to help us establish the Environmental Hall of Fame in your community.
    • We can share our easy program for doing this in a five-minute meeting.
    • Please let us know by Email or phone, 641-451-5199, when a five-minute meeting would be convenient for you.
    • Once we have our five-minute meeting, you may wish to display your award photo on your website and Facebook.
  3. In return, you will receive a membership in the National Sustainability Association and receive 12 Powerful Benefits worth $1,000’s of marketing and publicity.
  4. We will then send you a press release that you may edit.
    • Submit press release to us for final approval.
    • You may wish to display your photo and press release on your website and Facebook.
  5. You will be acknowledged for years to come on the home page of your community Environmental Hall of Fame website as a co-founder of your local chapter of the National Sustainability Association and Environmental Hall of Fame.

General Points:

  1. Although Donations and Memberships are welcome, there is no financial commitment
  2. Please limit press releases to no more than 5-10 press releases per year
  3. Maintain ethical business practices

You can be a hero in your community, be acknowledged as one of the top business leaders, and receive a higher platform and greater profile as a member of your local chapter of the National Sustainability Association. People will want to work with you because you are helping your community “go green.” Please visit How to Give an Award for more info.

Our goal is to establish an Environmental Hall of Fame in your community. If you agree to help us, we will place your favorite idea to help your community go green on the cover of your Green Guide e-book. You will also receive your name on the cover and 2 pages inside as part of 12 Powerful Benefits. You will always receive recognition as co-founder of your community Environmental Hall of Fame.

Award Criteria

Level 2: State Environmental Hall of Fame Student Blog

We will advise you how to create a complete version of your science fair exhibit on or a similar blog. takes only 5 minutes to set up.

Once you have a blog set up, the first step will be to enter the 4 pages you created for the book.

The main purpose of the complete version of your science fair exhibit is to permit judges to make constructive comments on how to improve your science exhibit (below each section on the blog).


Here are the following guidelines (subject to change as we find out more info):

1) The art competition is required to occur on Sunday, April 21, 2013. If you have only have 100 – 300 works of art this may only take one hour. Please allow at least another hour for each additional 200 works of art. We suggest that each city do their program between 10 AM – 12 PM, however you have flexibility with regard to this.

2) We require that you complete the program by 7 PM. (Or you may take up until 10 PM if you have over 300 works of art). It would help us to know how many individuals actually participated on April 21 so that we can make the announcement at the Chicago event and publicize the results the next day on Earth Day, Monday, April 22.

3a) Please call us as soon as you complete the event with the final number of verified participants.  You may leave a message if we aren’t able to answer.

3b) Please email to us, by 10 PM, the final number of participants and best of shows (first, second and third place). This will allow us to announce the total number of participants and the winners names the next day on Earth Day. We could also include the winners names in our Earth Day press release for your city.  Also, please attach a JPEG of the three winning works of art so we can include them as well.

3c) Please email to us within 24 hours the top 12 winners in a) All Categories, b) the top 12 Green Megatrends winners for your school (if you have them) and c) the top 12 Green Megatrends for your city (if you have them). Please see the third page of Ideas for Artwork for more information. (It’s an attachment to the original email we sent you).

4) Please only submit 2D Art, with the theme of the Environmental Art. This is a very broad category. Please see link for overview of acceptable art. No photos, prints or computer generated art are permitted by Guinness at this time.

5) Only one participant per artwork is permitted by Guinness.

6) A log is required, including:

a) The name of the participant
b) Student or adult designation
c) The number of the artwork (Please place a number prominently on the back of each artwork as it comes in, starting with #1)
d) Green Megatrend Category of the Art Work (Please see Ideas for Artwork)
e) The participants most used phone and email (Please include cell phone if they have one)
f) Parent or guardians most used phone and email (Please include cell phone if they have one)

The log should be compiled on a excel document. Please email us the log as an attachment right after the March 31 deadline for artwork.

7) We need a consent form signed by the participant’s parent or guardian (if the student is younger then 18) or by the student or artist (if they are older then 18). Please mail these to us right after the March 31 deadline for artwork.

8) We may need to contact the recipient for verification, send verification of their participation, send certificates of awards, contact participants with regards to consent forms and for other additional follow up.

9) At least one judge, who has not seen the artwork, is required to judge each work of art, designate the top three best of show, top twelve winners (in general) and top twelve winners in each of the 12 Green Megatrend Categories (this could be for the school’s 12 top Green Megatrends and the city’s 12 top Green Megatrends).

10) A video recording of the event is required, including a photo of each artwork. Please take at least 5 seconds to clearly show the work of art. You can mention the artist’s name and theme of their artwork. The video could be posted on our You Tube channel and would be a great recorded memory for the students. Please have the video posted by April 30, 2013.

11) A photo with each student holding their artwork, made prior to the event would be great evidence linking the participant to the artwork. The photo could be posted on a blog and would be a great recorded memory for the students. We suggest you have a camera with you and every time a student is ready to give you their artwork, please take a photo of them with their artwork. You can start posting photos prior to or right after the March 31 deadline for the artwork, but no later than by April 30, 2013.

12) There need to be two witnesses during the judging of the event. Guinness will allow two witnesses that are Art Teachers from Universities. They witnesses will need sign their name to a document with regards to the time of the event, that there is one participant per artwork, the artworks are not prints or computer generated, the judge has not previously seen the artwork, and the log has been filled out and other criteria.

We will send you the information that the Steward (the Art Coordinator in charge of the Event) and Witnesses are required to fill out and send to us after the event once you have decided to become an Art Coordinator.

Please email us a JPEG attachment of each individual artwork you would like to include in your Flickr page. Students can have Kinko’s, Office Max or Office Depot make a JPEG for under $2.

The points above may sound like a lot of required verification, but you have to look at it from the perspective of Guinness World Records. Since they are not in attendance, they have no other way of verifying. We believe these are the least stringent requirements we can offer to actually prove that a valid record has occurred.


National Environmental Science Fair Bonuses

We are offering four bonuses

  1. We will place the 4-page feature you created about your science exhibit in your Community Green Guide. Once you have completed your blog and video, we will link them to your feature. You can give a copy of the Community Green Guide to your mayor or city council member and also give them an award for your Community Environmental Hall of Fame. If your community does not have a Community Green Guide, there are some very simple steps you can take to create one. This would take less than an hour of your time but would bring you acknowledgement and great publicity in your community.
  2. You can elect to be Co-Coordinator of your school’s National Sustainability Associa­tion. This will enable you to give HOPE awards to your school environmental club and other qualified students and teachers who have sustainability projects. Our goal is to give environmental students a similar status that students on school sports teams have.
  3. The National Sustainability Association is creating 3 courses for certification, one each for home, school and business. You can participate in one or more of these courses and encourage other students to participate as well. You will receive credit for encouraging others to participate. Individuals who complete the course receive certification for helping their school, home, or a business “go green.” The normal cost for each certification is $30; or $75 for all three. This will be offered free to all National Environmental Science Fair participants.
  4. Send us a link to your Hero of Planet Earth. You can nominate them for their local community Environmental Hall of Fame. If they receive the award, we will place their photo next to you in a book that features top heroes of planet earth.

Thank you for enrolling in the National Environmental Science Fair!

The purpose of participating in the National Environmental Science Fair is to help you significantly improve your exhibit and give you a nationwide platform through

  1. A book to share your exhibit (please see 2009 Student Book)
  2. A blog to share your exhibit
  3. A YouTube presentation for your exhibit

You will learn multimedia skills to help advance your scientific, scholastic and social achievements.

The result will allow you to make a more significant contribution to society as a result of your exhibit. Yes you can be a scientist with the status of a rock star!

Each level will be done sequentially and will require very little effort on the part of each student. However, you will learn significant skills to help you for a lifetime.

Please e-mail the following information to us:
  1. Whatever you have for your science project in one or more attachments
  2. A photo of you with your science project exhibit. For a sample of how we will use your photo, please see the Student Template Feature.
  3. The names of who you would like to give the Environmental Hall of Fame award to
  4. The names of who you would like to give the HOPE Award (Hero of Planet Earth Award) to
  5. The Consent Form

The information you send us on your science project will contain most of the information we need to help you create your book feature and blog. We may also request additional information.

We will help you finish your book and blog by the end of 2010. From January through March, 2011, we will help you create a video to be posted on the National Environmental Science Fair YouTube channel.

You will be able to present your multi-media presentation at an exhibit in Spring 2011. We will have more details about this in January 2011.

You will be able to give an award to a local and national environmentalist of your choice. You can also present a HOPE award to the teacher, student and/or environmental club of your choice.

Please Go Here for More Details.

We will help you every step of the way.


Awards Ceremony Documents

Honoree Award Certificate: Environmental Hall of Fame award certificate, framed for you to give to the award recipient(s)

Honoree Exhibit: Exhibit about your community green initiatives that will be in your Community Green Guide, framed for you to give to the award recipient(s)

Print & Frame Specs for Awards Ceremony Documents


There are 3 ways to be reimbursed for your membership fee.

  1. If another member joins
  2. Our discount card with access to over 100,000 retailers
  3. An E-bay auction

The E-bay auction does not require much effort on your end.

Just send out This Letter to your e-mail list or hand it to individuals who come into your store.

This is a very easy way to raise money for your community Environmental Hall of Fame. Many individuals have hundreds of items in their home that they would naturally give away to Goodwill or Salvation Army if asked.

Once you have approximately $100 in auctionable items, please contact us and we will have an E-bay Trading Assistant come to you to pick up the items.

Individuals who participate will receive their name as a sponsor and a link to their website on the home page of your community Environmental Hall of Fame. They will also receive their name as a sponsor in the National Green Guide e-book for your community.

The National Green Guide e-book will have your name on the cover as an honoree in your field for your community. You and the sponsors could send out hundreds of the National Green Guide e-books to your clients, friends, family and prospects.

h5>National Environmental Science Fair Student Sponsorships</h5>
<strong>Dear Student</strong>,

The National Environmental Science Fair is in its second year and does not yet receive funds from schools or corporate sponsors.

However, you can easily receive sponsorship. Each student who enrolls will receive 4 pages in an e-book.

You can ask individuals to sponsor your National Environmental Science Fair enrollment for $5-$15 or more. <ul>
<li>For $5 the sponsor will receive a copy of your e-book.</li>
<li>For $10 the sponsor will also receive their name in the book as your sponsor.</li>
<li>For $15 the sponsor will receive a trial membership in the National Sustainability Association.</li></ul>

It should be very easy to get one or more sponsorships from family, relatives, friends, teachers, neighbors and businesses.

Once you have gathered your sponsors, you can <a href=””>email</a> the sponsor’s name and email address to us, and we will email the e-book to them upon completion.

We will help you significantly improve you science fair project and bring it into the 21st Century Internet age. You can consider it similar to receiving private instrument lessons in order to help improve your band practice.


There are 3 ways to be reimbursed for your membership fee.

  1. If another member joins
  2. Our discount card with access to over 100,000 retailers
  3. An E-bay auction

Individuals who participate will receive their name as a sponsor and a link to their website on the home page of your community Environmental Hall of Fame. They will also receive their name as a sponsor in the National Green Guide e-book for your community.

The National Green Guide e-book will have your name on the cover as an honoree in your field for your community. You and the sponsors could send out hundreds of the National Green Guide e-books to your clients, friends, family and prospects.

Congratulations! You have already done the hard work with your Environmental Science Fair project.

  1. Our goal is to help you transform your exhibit into a multi-media, 21st Century presentation!
  2. You will receive more mentors, be inducted into the Environmental Hall of Fame and receive national publicity!
  3. You will have your own customized e-book, blog and YouTube video. The video will be part of the National Environmental Science Fair YouTube channel.
  4. Your customized e-book will be part of the Green Guide. The name of your school will appear on the cover followed by your name as the Environmental Hall of Fame Honoree. (Please see Sample Cover).
  5. You can send the e-book out to your community, school, family and friends. The e-book will help your community “go green”! This will increase your recognition in your community and school. Please see Sponsorship Opportunity.
  6. You will have a 4-6 page feature in the e-book. The first page will be a full page photo of you with your science fair exhibit (please see Template for Student Project Feature).
  7. We will help you start your 3-5 minute YouTube in January 2011 or the in the spring.
  8. We will help arrange for you to make your multi-media presentation at your school in Spring 2011.
  9. Upon completing 4-6 pages for the e-book you will be inducted into your local Community Environmental Hall of Fame.
    • Upon completing a blog you will be inducted into your State Environmental Hall of Fame.
    • Upon completing a video you will be inducted into the National Environmental Hall of Fame.
  10. There is a possibility you can send the e-book to your mayor, or you could even participate in giving an award to your mayor, someone the mayor recommends who is helping your city “go green,” or the school administrator responsible for helping your school “go green.”

After you enroll, all you have to do is E-mail us your science fair project as an attachment. This should take less than 20 minutes. We will begin working on your e-book and blog, and then e-mail it to you for your input and review.

Please enroll here.

After you enroll, please see Student Thank You page for what to do next.

Student Sponsorships
Student Photo Gallery
National Environmental Science Fair Schedule
National Environmental Science Fair Enrollment

Download 2009 e-Book of the National Environmental Science Fair students Hope for Planet Earth: 25 Student Geniuses Share What We Can Do Now to Help Reduce Energy Costs and Live More Sustainably.

Student Programs 2010

National Association of Environmental Clubs
Why the National Environmental Science Fair and Environmental Hall of Fame?

One thing many people feel is a lack of validation. Lacking in self confidence and mentoring, we may sit on our gifts instead of sharing them with the world.

The National Environmental Science Fair and Environmental Hall of Fame:

  • Inspires and encourages individuals and students, as well as top environmentalists, to do their best to help make a difference.
  • Discovers the best and most sustainable practices so individuals are inspired to adopt them in every community.
Enrollment for the National Environmental Science Fair is now open.

The goal of the National Environmental Science Fair is to help you take your project to the next level.

  • When you enroll, we will help you create a 4-page feature that will be part of an e- book. Please review last year’s e-book (see2009 Student e-Book).
  • You will then have an opportunity to create a blog
  • As well as create a YouTube video to be part of our YouTube channel
  • We would like to match you with mentors in your area of interest who can help you take your project to another level.

We will help you every step of the way.

Additional Benefits:

  • When your 4-page feature is in the e-book, you will be inducted into your local Community Environmental Hall of Fame.
  • Upon creating a blog, you will be inducted into your State Environmental Hall of Fame.
  • After you create a video, you will be inducted into the National Environmental Hall of Fame.

We will do our best to make each of these steps as easy as possible by providing you with easy to follow instructions, answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs), as well as telephone consultations.

There will be many bonuses for you as a participant:

  1. The opportunity to place your 4-page feature in your local Community Green Guide.
  2. Give HOPE Awards to other deserving sustainable or environmental science fair students, environmental clubs and students with other sustainable or environmental projects in your school or community.
  3. Receive certification for helping your school and/or your home become green.
  4. Elect to become Co-Coordinator for the National Sustainability Association at your school.
  5. Nominate and give an award to your Environmental Hero. You can even receive your photo and give an award to a city official or celebrity.

Our goal is to help create a similar status for students who help the environment as those students who are on school sports teams. You can be a young scientist with the status of a rock star!

We Welcome Your Suggestions


Online National Environmental Science Fair Schedule

Students can start with Level 1 at their own pace. Each level should only take 5-10 hours to complete. They can take 3 months or longer to complete each level, and it should only take approximately 2 hours per month.

Once all three levels are completed, the student is eligible to attend an exhibition.

National Environmental Science Fair plans to have an exhibition in Spring 2011.

Exhibition details will be emailed to all enrolled students as soon as they become available, as well as posted on this page.

Thank You for Becoming a Community Green Guide Co-Founder!

Please email us the following info for your feature:

  • Your business contact info, including your business website link, that will appear in the feature itself
  • How you wish your business name to appear on the cover. Please see Sample Cover. Your business name will go where it says Your (Green) Business (maximum of 40 characters and spaces per line; more than 2 lines is not recommended).
  • Information to create your feature based on our Feature Specs
  • If we requested a photo, please attach it as a high resolution JPG file

Thank You!

Preparation Steps for Awards Ceremony

Awards Ceremony Timetable
Awards Ceremony Documents
What to Say at Awards Ceremony
Photo Op for Awards Ceremony

What is the next step after your awards ceremony?

The Next Step

Potential Coordinators


Art Alliance
Art Schools
Art Show Illinois
Art Show USA
Art Store
Boys Clubs
Cedar Rapids
Chicago Park District
Children’s Museum
City Colleges
Davenport Moline
Eric Heineman
History Museum
Ida Crown
Latin School
Milwaukee City (or Studio)
Peggy Notebart
Ravenswood Walk
Ricky Recycle
Senior Center
Whole Foods


How to Send Your Photo

  1. Please print and frame the attached award certificate.
    • Please have someone take a photo of you holding your award.
    • You are encouraged to include co-workers and family in the photo.
    • Some businesses have their Chamber of Commerce present the award to them.
  2. Please E-mail the photo to us as an attachment.
  3. In the text of your e-mail, please indicate if you can accept the 5 points in the Award Acceptance Criteria.

Please return to the Award Acceptance Criteria page.


Details for Printing and Framing the Awards Ceremony Documents.

We will send the printing specs and documents to the printer of your choice–all you need to do is pick it up.

If you prefer, we can send the documents to you and you can handle getting them to the printer.

You can pick up the frames from Wal-Mart (see below).


  • Wal-Mart usually has the frame; cost is $2.50-$2.97 each
  • Wal-Mart part number 10715, Document Format Frame, 8.5 x 11”
  • Description: black, very thin border, glass pops out the front to load image

You will need 2 frames minimum

  1. Honoree Award Certificate
  2. Honoree Exhibit

If there is more than one award recipient for your community, you will usually need one frame per person for their Honoree Award Certificate.


Honoree Award Certificate
  • One copy
  • Landscape
  • 1-sided
  • Color
  • 8.5 x 11″ 80# cardstock
Honoree Exhibit
  • One copy
  • Landscape
  • 1-sided
  • Color
  • 8.5 x 11″ 80# cardstock

Photo Op Setup

Please print out these instructions and bring with you (optional).

  • Wear business best
  • See Photo Galleries for previous photos
  • Let each honoree hold their award before your introduction and presentation
  • Be sure all frames are held straight, not crooked
  • Take pictures with all honorees together
  • Take at least 3 photos (in case someone closes their eyes)
  • Be sure digital camera is working properly prior to event; double check that batteries are working, etc.

Announcing the Largest Display of Environmental Art for Earth Day, 2013

We are looking for Student and Adult Entries in Nature Art, Landscape Art, Endangered Species, Wildlife Art
Modern Environmental Art Images, Climate Change Solutions Images and Sustainable Living Solutions Images

Please email suggestions to help improve this program to

Please see the following helpful links and downloads:

1. The National Environmental Hall of Fame® encourages everyone to submit their own art work to participate.

2. The World Largest Display of Environmental Art will be held in Chicago on Sunday, April 21, 2013 (location to be announced soon). Student and adult first place winners in each category of the 12 Green Megatrends, will be announced on Earth Day, Monday, April 22, 2013. Second place, third place and runners ups will be announced by the end of April.

3. Everyone is a winner! All entries will be acknowledged as part of the World’s Largest Display of Environmental Art and attempt to set a Guinness World Record. Top entries in each of 12 categories for each participating school and city will be announced in May.

4. For adults and students! We invite all parents to invite their children to participate. We invite all teachers and art teachers to invite their students to participate.

5. The Earth Day theme is Planet Earth and Solutions to Help Planet Earth. Planet Earth themes can include Nature Art, such as, but not limited to Landscape and Endangered Species Art. Solutions to Help Planet Earth include Climate Change Solutions Art and Sustainable Living Solutions Art.

6. Please go here for Ideas for Artwork! These ideas can be printed out and distributed among the students.

7. Guinness World Records (GWR) will only accept original art.  GWR will not accept prints of art work or computer generated art at this time. Photography will be included in a Guinness World Record attempt in 2014.

8. Art Teachers, artists and art lovers from the Chicago Area are invited to be judges. We need 100 judges to help for 1-3 hours each. Our goal is 10,000 participants.

9. With the help of donations, sponsors or an art auction, a poster can be made that includes winners for the top 12 Green Megatrends for each city and school that submits entries.

10. Participants may qualify for a Guinness World Record (projections are for Earth Day, April 22 or World Environmental Day, June 5). This depends on when enough participants submit their art work.

Please see instructions for sending us your artwork.

Fast Track

A teacher could simply ask students to raise their hand (in an art class, home room or assembly) and ask:

Who would like to be part of a meaningful Guinness World Record to help the environment? The teacher can pass around Ideas for Artwork.  All those who are interested can pick their topic from Ideas for Artwork. At that time, or a week later, the student could spend 45 minutes drawing. Students could hand the art work to the teacher at the end of the class or spend the next week refining their work of art before handing it in.

Fast Track II

Schools can hold an assembly for their students to create art for the Earth Day Event.

Response from Guinness World Records to our Fast Track Application.


A. There is no cost for entry, however if you can make a donation ($5 or more) we will place your entry online (for you friends and family to view). You will also receive a beautiful certificate, suitable for framing, that you were part of the World’s Largest Display of Environmental Art.

B. Your donation will help cover our costs for the competition and poster for you city and school. You will receive credit for the poster!

C. For a $10 donation we will also place your entry in a poster (in addition to receiving a  certificate and placing your entry online).

D. Individuals who submit art by January 31 will receive their certificate and online posting for free. Mailing location for submissions will be announced soon.

E. Judges receive all benefits above for free!

Additional Information

Please see more info on the National Environmental Hall of Fame.

You may print out sample poster to distribute among the Students (for Art Work Idea).

Alternatively, students can create art work from the 12 recommendations of the US Mayors Climate Protection Agreement (whose ideas are very similar to the 12 Green Megatrends).

Here is a short essay on Environmental Art.

If you would like to, you can make a donation here

Appx 87 Schools (and Art Studios) participated in the Earth Day Art Event on April 21.
A total of over 14,700 Artworks were recorded. The Guinness World Record is 10,000 works of art. Yay!