National Environmental Hall of Fame®, National Green Museum Exhibition®, Green Megatrends® and National Sustainability Monthly Holidays are activities of National Sustainability Association®. The National Sustainability Association® is a 501c3 nonprofit educational organization.
- The National Environmental Hall of Fame® started in March 2007. Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield, co-authors of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, were co-founders.
- Our goal was to create an eBook for Al Gore’s 7-7-07 Concert.
- The book became an exhibition consisting of 108 framed exhibits displayed on 18 sections of grid wall in Iowa. Each section consisted of 4 grid walls.
- The Environmental Hall of Fame® arose out of the desire to honor the environmentalists displayed in the exhibitions. In June 2008 we held our first Environmental Hall of Fame® awards ceremony, which included honoring Art Linkletter, at the Westin LAX.
- In November 2008 we held our second Environmental Hall of Fame® awards ceremony at Hotel Allegro Chicago where we honored Pierce Brosnan and Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley.
- In 2009 the exhibition was displayed for 3 months in Chicago on Wells Street in Old Town where we gave an Environmental Hall of Fame award to Ed Begley, Jr. and started the National Environmental Science Fair®.
- In 2010 we started giving local Environmental Hall of Fame® awards to mayors on behalf of their city’s green initiatives. We have now given awards to over 35 cities.
- In March 2011 we started 12 Green Megatrends®, top green trends to help Planet Earth. In July of 2011 the 12 Green Megatrends® became 12 National Sustainability Monthly Holidays.
- The 12 National Sustainability Monthly Holidays are endorsed by 23 top environmentalists nationwide.
- Twelve twin-sized quilts were created to represent the World’s Largest Environmental and Calendar Quilt. The World’s Largest Environmental and Calendar Quilt was displayed at the AQS Quilt Show in Des Moines, Iowa, on September 28 to October 1, 2011.
Quilts were chosen for their three sustainable features: as art, their ability to display information and their use as a bed spread.
- During Earth Week 2012 Cedar Rapids and Chicago area cities received awards and participated in the National Green Exhibition.
- In addition to the Environmental Hall of Fame® award, support is given to each community with a Local Green Exhibition. Local individuals or cities refer us to local green businesses who might be interested in participating in their Local Green Exhibition. (See more details here.)
Shel Horowitz
Shel Horowitz, co-author of Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green, believes we offer more value per marketing dollar than any green program he has seen.
“As you can imagine, I often get asked to volunteer my marketing consulting and copy writing skills in return for a percentage of the proceeds. My standard answer is to politely decline and send a copy of my fee structure. What these folks are doing is so well-thought-out that I broke my rule, and am working for a share of the revenue. For me to do that, I have to be *really* impressed – and I am.”