Carol Butzke, AQS certified appraiser, gathers information to appraise the National Sustainability Monthly Holidays quilt.

Participating Schools

Please send email confirmation, including the number of projected artworks, to

A) Appx 85 Schools (and Art Studios) participated in the Guinness World Record Attempt on May 18.
A total of over 12,500 Artworks were recorded. The Guinness World Record is 10,000 works of art. Yay!

B) The official Guinness World Record attempt occured at the gymnasium of Ogden International School, 24 W Walton.  Ogden School is a LEED Gold building, and is considered Chicago’s greenest school.

A Special Thanks of Our Founders (Name in Bold, $100 Donors)
Please become a founder to receive certificates for all your participating students
Receive your own website, memories of the event, and much more.
You’ll be one of the most popular teachers you students ever had!
We still need to raise $3,000 for this event!

This includes $1,000 to fast track results to Guinness!

A Special Thanks to Our Volunteers
Josh Ginsburg, Krystal Webb and Sari Breslin Consultants
Amy and Tony Vecchioni, Scott and Marya Veeck, Set up crew
Bob Parida and Kathy Haerr, Associate Event Coordinators
Eslavia Garva and Kathleen, Registration
Sari Breslin brought 5 Volunteers!
Beth Cha, Usher
Jeanne Rivera and Amy Romero, Scorekeepers
Patrice Lucas, Photographer
Daisy Roman, Videographer

Please let us know if you helped so we can include you!
Please let us know if you would like to volunteer for the May 18 Event!

Below is a list of schools that attended the May 18 Official event and the total number of artwork they brought:

Founders ($100 – Receive Certificates, Website and Much More!)
Coonley School 388
Deneen School 100
Eberhart School 100
McCord Gallery 300
McCormick School 100
Nixon School 90
Pathways in Education 100
Rogers School 100
S.C.R.A.P. Gallery 401
Unicoi Art Studio 111

Chicago Area Schools
Amundsen High School 93
Armstrong School 100
Aspira Haugan 304
Audubon School 189
Austin School 86
Air Force Academy HS 107
Avondale -Logandale School 570
Bell School 310
Blaine School 132
Brennemann School 120
Bridge School 255
Buckingham School 45
Budlong School 116
Burr School 253
Calmeca Fine Arts School 103
Canter School 128
Carson School 376
Chase School 100
CICS – Lloyd Bond 100
Clay School 341
Clemente High School 100
Cook School 128
Coonley School 210
De Diego School 120
Deneen School 100
Disney School 100
Dryden School 104
Eberhart School 102
Edgebrook 422
Fort Dearborn 278
Gale School 105
Gallistel School 214
Garvy School 260
Gillespie School 250
Green School 111
Greene School 107
Gresham School 108
Haines School 108
Hawthorne School 100
Hubbard High School 114
Jungman School 182
Kipling School 96
Laurie School 55
Lewis School 141
Lincoln Park  84
Lorca School 125
Lozano School 121
Mahalia Jackson School 105
Marquette School 40
Marsh School 148
Mather High School 100
McCord Gallery 339
McCormick School 107
McCutcheon School 125
Montessori School (Batavia) 59
Morrill School 104
Mozart School 111
Murphy School 395
Nicholson School 107
Nixon School 98
North Center School 29
Northside Christian Academy 341
Ogden International School 100
Oriole Park School 139
Otis School 168
Pasteur School 98
Pathways 30
Peck School 45
Pilsen Academy 80
Portage Park 103
Pritzker College Prep 113
Ravenswood School 102
Rogers School 27
Ruggles School 202
Saint Mary of the Woods 311
Sabin Academy 153
Saucedo Academy 76
Salazar School 56
S.C.R.A.P. Gallery 376
Schurz High School 120
Stewart School 70
Stock School 224
Stone Scholastic Academy 200
Swift School 49
The Paintbrush 71
Tonti School 100
Trumbull School 88
Unicoi Art Studio 117
Washington High School 115
Waters Fine Arts School 100
Wells High School 200
Wentworth School 100
Whitney School 171
World Language High School  65
Zapata Academy 362