Carol Butzke, AQS certified appraiser, gathers information to appraise the National Sustainability Monthly Holidays quilt.

May 18 Guinness World Record Attempt

We are looking forward to seeing you at the Official Guinness World Record attempt on May 18.

1) The event will be at Ogden International School, 24 W Walton, 0.2 mile north of Chicago and State Redline.
Ogden School is a LEED Gold building, and is considered Chicago’s greenest school.

2) Registration is at 8:30 AM. The event starts promptly at 9 AM. We hope the event will end by 11:30 AM.

3) Parking is one block north on Oak. Parking is first come first serve.

After the first 50 parking spaces are filled there will be a small parking fee.

4) We encourage those who can to take the Redline to Chicago and State and walk 0.2 mile north.

5) We need volunteer help at the event. If you can help us, we would be very grateful.

Perhaps you can bring a spouse, teacher, friend or older student to help volunteer at the event.

The most important thing to do is to comply with Guinness Guidelines found in this form.
Please sign the form prior to or at the event. The judge of your artwork will also be required to sign this form.

Appx 85 Schools (and Art Studios) participated in the Art Event on May 18.
A total of over 12,500 Artworks were recorded. The Guinness World Record is 10,000 works of art. Yay!

May 18 Agenda

8:30 – 9:00 Registration

9:00 – 9:15 Official Counting and Review by Judge of your School’s Artwork
Judge fills out form and writes down the number of qualified artworks on artwork sheet
Teachers start getting their photos holding artwork sheet.
Teachers receive second photo holding their artwork (either in front of camera or at table)
Judges place top artworks from school they reviewed on table (covering 1/2 table)

9:15 – 9:30 Help with Official Counting and Review
A) For Individuals with more that 100 works of art
B) And individuals who dropped off their artwork
Judges place top artworks from school they reviewed on table (covering 1/2 table)

9:30 – 9:45 Group Photo (on Stage)
9:45 – 10:00 Third Official Counting and Review (if necessary)
10:00 – 10:15 Judges start placing one of three removable tabs on their favorite artworks
10:00 – 10:30 Judges continue placing one of three removable tabs on their favorite artworks
10:30 – 10:45 Artworks with most tabs are consolidated and placed on tables and winner announced
10:45 – 11:00 Environmental Hall of Fame Awards

The Judging Sequence (Approved by Guinness)

1) There will be appx two schools per 6 foot table (in Alphabetical Order)
2) Between 9 AM – 9:30 AM teachers will counting and judging each others artwork.
3) At 9:30 judges will choose their favorite artworks from each 100 artworks (and place them in sheet protectors).
4) The tables will be cleared (artwork on tables will go below the tables)
5) The three favorite artworks per school will be placed on the tables
6) All judges can view artwork, very silently, while the recording of each school is going on.
7) Please support the teachers being recorded by cheering each time we reach another 1000 milestone (on the flip chart), especially the 10,000 milestone!
8) Each judge will write the first two letters of their school’s name on the three circular coding labels we provide.
9) Each judge will place one of their three circular coding labels on the back of the sheet protector of their three favorite works of art
10) The artworks with the highest number of coding labels will be declared winner of the event.


A) Schools with 100+ works of art will receive the Chicago Environmental Hall of Fame Award
Schools with 200+ works of art will receive the Illinois Environmental Hall of Fame Award
Schools with 1000+ works of art will receive the National Environmental Hall of Fame Award

B) The award will include your school’s name, the teacher or coordinator’s name and the principal’s name.

C) We will send these to you after the event.

D) You must stay for entire event to be eligible for awards.